
All these posts are written by one person. They are not about me, or my life, or the funny thing my toddler said while we were driving to the grocery store this afternoon. There are plenty of other blogs that do that; I don’t want to read them and you probably don’t either. While you will sometimes learn a little about me by reading these pages, the emphasis is clearly on other topics. Who I am is not important.

My intent with these posts is to write something worthwhile, to write something you might want to read even if you knew nothing about me or this blog. Some of these posts are about deep issues that are fundamental to the human condition: http://alamanach.com/2008/07/16/the-dispensation-of-suffering/ . Others are comparatively lighthearted, and playfully explore miscellaneous facts in a (hopefully) entertaining way: http://alamanach.com/wrong-way-corrigan-and-the-ubiquitous-floyd-bennett/ . Some are highly technical:   http://alamanach.com/second-order-differential-equations-and-dark-adaptation-in-vertebrate-photoreceptors/ , and some are outright fiction: http://alamanach.com/untitled/ . All of them, hopefully, are worth the time it would take to read them. That, in the end, is my overriding goal.

I strive for accuracy, and I also want to document/ attribute others’ works properly. I do my best to observe the intellectual property rights of others out of respect both for them and for you; I want you to be able to rely on whatever you read in these pages, and to do that, you need to know where information comes from.  If I get something wrong, I hope you will call me on it. I encourage comments both positive and negative.

9 comments on “About

  1. Thanks for the visit to my little chatterbox and for the response. I agree with you. Tomorrow this nonsense will hopefully stop and Americans will again have to get along 🙂

  2. Alamanach says:

    Thanks, Tree, and let me reciprocate the welcome.

    (By the way, folks, she’s talking about this: http://kwogoman.wordpress.com/2008/11/02/boo-supporting-obama-no-treats-for-you-weird-news-msnbccom/)

    I look forward to exploring more of your site.

  3. theoldadam says:

    Very interesting site.

    I will return to do a bit of perusing as time allows.

    Thanks very much.

    – Steve Martin San Clemente, CA

  4. Matt says:

    I love your outlook. I also have a degree in the Humanities (Philosophy) as well as a degree in Management, and as such think you are on the right ‘track’.


  5. Alamanach says:

    Thanks, Matt. It’s been quiet around here lately, but now I’ve started posting again and hopefully I’ll have more to say about things soon. Do you have a blog? If so, link, please.

  6. Baanu says:

    I was just googling some pictures of our galaxy. Whiling away time. Somehow I came across a little post of yours. Decent and amazing. I am awestruck! Intriguing. Thought provoking. Beautiful.
    And just for the record, I am extremely tired right now. Not looking for anything to read. Definitely not a BLOG! But wow, when I read the title followed by the first line, this has almost never happened, I couldn’t help but read the next line and the one next to it. I am a teenager. Absolutely impressed by your style.

  7. Alamanach says:

    Thanks, Baanu. I assume you are refering to this post: http://alamanach.com/2008/02/08/when-galaxies-collide/ ? That one is one of my favorites, actually. I’m glad you liked it. Hopefully after you sleep you’ll come back and read more…

  8. Suki says:

    HI, Scott
    How are you? How is life? Are you still in Afgan?

  9. Assia says:

    Hello, Scott. I really enjoy reading your blog, so I’ve nominated you for the “Liebster Award”. Congratulations!

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